Planned Giving
The Mary Weiser Muhlenberg Society recognizes those individuals who have included Historic Trappe in their estate plans—either through a charitable bequest or planned gift agreement of financial assets and/or artifacts. These legacy gifts support Historic Trappe’s future and help meet your estate planning goals. The society is named after Anna Maria “Mary” Weiser, who was an equal partner to Henry Melchior Muhlenberg throughout their long marriage. The Weiser family provided the money for the newlyweds to build and furnish a parsonage in 1745 as their first home. Throughout their marriage, Mary continually lent her husband money to keep the family on a firm financial footing. In 1776, she helped buy their second home in Trappe—now our restored and furnished house museum.
Inspired by the legacy of Mary Weiser Muhlenberg, members of this society play an essential role in ensuring that Historic Trappe’s collections and historic properties will be maintained for generations to come. Members receive special access to our museums, invitations to an annual Mary Weiser Muhlenberg Society reception, and prominent recognition in our Annual Report.
If you have included Historic Trappe in your estate plans and would like to join the Mary Muhlenberg Weiser Society, please contact us at [email protected] or 610.489.7560.
Additional Information and Sample Wording of Bequests

If you have an existing will, you can add Historic Trappe in a codicil. Sample language is included below for several different scenarios, including a specific dollar amount; specific assets such as securities, real estate, or other personal property; or a residuary bequest—a portion of what remains after other beneficiaries are provided for. Please include Historic Trappe’s name, mailing address, and federal tax ID number (23-3071146) when making your bequest or other planned gift.
Sample language for general purposes: I give $____ to Historic Trappe (federal tax ID number 23-3071146), a non-profit organization with a mailing address of P.O. Box 26686, Trappe, PA, 19426, for its general use and purpose.
Sample language for other assets: I give to Historic Trappe (federal tax ID number 23-3071146), a non-profit organization with a mailing address of P.O. Box 26686, Trappe, PA, 19426, _______________ [list of specific asset(s) such as securities, real estate, or historic artifacts] for its general use and purpose.
Sample language for a residuary bequest: I give to Historic Trappe (federal tax ID number 23-3071146), a non-profit organization with a mailing address of P.O. Box 26686, Trappe, PA, 19426, the remainder of my estate OR ____ % of the remainder of my estate for its general use and purpose.
Types of Bequests
Legacies Historic Trappe receives a specified dollar amount.
Specific bequests Historic Trappe receives specified assets, such as artwork, stock, real estate holdings, partnership interests, or other tangible personal property (e.g., jewelry, antiques, or rare books).
Residuary bequests Historic Trappe receives all or a percentage of the remainder of your estate after specific legacies, debts, taxes, and estate expenses have been deducted.
Bequests to charitable remainder trusts One or more named beneficiaries receive an annual or quarterly amount from the trust. Upon the death of the last beneficiary, all or part of the assets revert to Historic Trappe.
Bequests to charitable lead trusts An amount from the trust is paid to Historic Trappe quarterly or annually, for a specified period of years, usually 15 or more. Upon the expiration of the trust, the assets pass to your named beneficiaries at a reduced estate tax rate.
Contingent trusts This type of gift transfers property to Historic Trappe only if your named beneficiaries do not survive you.
This material describes some of the more common bequests and provides sample language for each. Although your estate plan should be tailored to your financial needs and prepared by your attorney in consultation with your financial and tax advisors, we are able to discuss any of these techniques with you.