Download a PDF of Sponsorship/Advertising information
All proceeds benefit Historic Trappe's mission of education and preservation.

Presenting $10,000
16 tickets; name or business logo in invitation and in promotional materials at event; website, social media, and e-newsletter advertising in association with the event; and full-page ad on back cover of program
Platinum $5,000
8 tickets; name or business logo in invitation and in promotional materials at event; website, social media, and e-newsletter advertising in association with the event; and full-page ad in program
Gold $2,500
6 tickets; name or business logo in invitation and in promotional materials at event; website, social media, and e-newsletter advertising in association with the event; full-page ad in program
Silver $1,250
4 tickets; name or business logo in invitation and in promotional materials at event; half-page ad in program
Bronze $500
2 tickets; name or business logo in invitation and in promotional materials at event
If you can not join us for the Party for Preservation Gala, please consider making a donation to help support Historic Trappe's mission.
Program Advertising
Full page: $1,000
Size: W. 4.5 x H. 7.5 inches
Half page: $500
Size: W. 4.5 x H. 3.75 inches
Quarter page: $250
Size: W. 4.5 x H. 2 or H. 2.25 x H. 3.75 inches

For more information, call 610-489-7560 or email [email protected]
Please make checks payable to and send to: Historic Trappe, P.O. Box 26686, Trappe, PA 19426